Champaign IL PD

Transparency Portal

Last Updated: Thu Apr 25 2024
Champaign IL PD uses Flock Safety technology to capture objective evidence without compromising on individual privacy. Champaign IL PD utilizes retroactive search to solve crimes after they've occurred. Additionally, Champaign IL PD utilizes real time alerting of hotlist vehicles to capture wanted criminals. In an effort to ensure proper usage and guardrails are in place, they have made the below policies and usage statistics available to the public.
What's Detected
License Plates, Vehicles
What's Not Detected
Facial recognition, People, Gender, Race
Acceptable Use Policy
Data is used for law enforcement purposes only. Data is owned by Champaign IL PD and is never sold to 3rd parties.
Prohibited Uses
Immigration enforcement, traffic enforcement, harrassment or intimidation, usage based solely on a protected class (i.e. race, sex, religion), Personal use.
Access Policy
All system access requires a valid reason and is stored indefinitely.
Hotlist Policy
Officers will verify all ALPR activations prior to taking enforcement action.
Data retention (in days)
30 days
Number of owned cameras
External organizations with access
Bloomington IL PD, Bradley IL PD, Champaign County IL SO, Charleston IL PD, Chatham IL PD, Chesterfield County VA PD, Danville IL PD, Decatur IL PD, Des Plaines IL PD, Dewitt County IL SO, Elk Grove IL PD, Flock Safety PD Test Org, Illinois State Police, LeRoy IL PD, Mahomet IL PD, Normal IL PD , Parkland College IL PD , Rantoul IL PD, Springfield IL PD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign IL PD, US Postal Inspection Service
Hotlists Alerted On
NCIC, Illinois Leads, NCMEC Amber Alert, IL SOS
Vehicles detected in the last 30 days
Hotlist hits in the last 30 days
Searches in the last 30 days