Ferndale MI PD

Transparency Portal

Last Updated: Mon Mar 10 2025
The Ferndale Police Department uses Flock Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) technology to help detect and reduce crime in our community. ALPRs are cameras located in municipal rights-of-way that capture photographs of passing vehicles without compromising individuals privacy. The cameras are stationary and solar-powered, sending information through government-standard encrypted cell signals. The Department uses ALPR imagery to aid in case-specific investigations and real-time hotlist alerts for wanted criminals and missing/endangered children and adults. You can find the ALPR policy on the Ferndale Police Transparency Dashboard: https://portal.arxcommunity.com/dashboards/community/mi-ci-ferndale-pd
What's Detected
License Plates, Vehicles
What's Not Detected
Facial recognition, People, Gender, Race
Acceptable Use Policy
Data is used for law enforcement purposes only. Data is owned by Ferndale MI PD and is never sold to 3rd parties.
Prohibited Uses
Immigration enforcement, traffic enforcement, harrassment or intimidation, usage based solely on a protected class (i.e. race, sex, religion), Personal use.
Access Policy
All system access requires a valid investigative reason and is stored indefinitely and can only be used by local or state law enforcement personnel.
Hotlist Policy
Hotlist hits are required to be human verified prior to action.
Number of owned cameras
Vehicles detected in the last 30 days
Hotlist hits in the last 30 days
Additional Info
230002672-Armed Robbery
On February 7th, 2023, a male robbed the cashier at the White Castle, implying he had a gun. A witness was able to relay a partial license plate to investigators. Investigators utilized Flock Safety to match vehicle damage and characteristics with recovered video surveillance from the White Castle. The suspect vehicle was located in Detroit. The suspect was arrested and charged with armed robbery.
23008503-False Carjacking Reported
On November 13, 2023, a dealership employee reported he was the victim of a carjacking. During the investigation, the victim changed his story and told investigators that an unknown male stole the vehicle, and no carjacking occurred. Investigators utilized Flock Safety to confirm the carjacking did not occur. The stolen vehicle was recovered at a local gas station.
230012963 -Armed Robbery/Home Invasion
On August 4th, 2023, four men dressed as police officers pretended to raid a Ferndale residence and attempted to rob the resident for cash and drugs. Investigators utilized Flock Safety to locate a suspect vehicle and identify the suspects involved. Four suspects were ultimately arrested and charged with armed robbery, home invasion, and felony firearm.
230019372-Stiizy-Breaking and Entering
On December 1, 2023, three males drove through the front door of Stiizzy and robbed the safe. Investigators utilized Flock Safety to recover the stolen vehicle used during the theft. One suspect was taken into custody and charged with B&E.
240001805-Hazel Park Carjacking
On February 5th, 2024, a carjacking occurred in Hazel Park. Ferndale officers were alerted by Flock Safety cameras that the suspect was traveling south on Hilton at Ten Mile in Ferndale. Officers located the vehicle and pursued it south on Hilton before until the suspect crashed into a wall. The driver was taken into custody and turned over to Hazel Park police.
240003352-Attempted Armed Robbery
On March 3rd, 2024, a male attempted to rob 7-11 West with a knife. Investigators utilized Flock Safety to match video surveillance and identify the suspect vehicle. Investigators entered the vehicle into the Flock system, and on March 21st, 2024, Ferndale officers located the vehicle traveling on Eight Mile near West End. Officers stopped the suspect vehicle. After an investigation was completed, the driver was arrested and charged with armed robbery.
240006313-Aggravated Assault with a Firearm
On April 21st, 2024, Ferndale officers stopped a wanted felony vehicle from Detroit on Woodward Avenue after receiving a hit on Flock Safety. The driver was wanted for firing a handgun at two victims. The driver was arrested and turned over to the Detroit Police Department.
240006696-Hit & Run Accident
On April 27th, 2024, Ferndale investigators used Flock Safety to identify a vehicle that fled the scene of an accident on East Nine Mile. Investigators subsequently identified the driver and charged him with Leaving the Scene of an Accident.
24008926-Home Invasion
On May 30th, 2024, Ferndale investigators used Flock Safety to generate a lead on a Home Invasion on the west side, where the suspect pawned stolen items. Investigators identified the suspect vehicle and subsequently identified the suspect. The case has been submitted to the Oakland County Prosecutor.