Franklin MA PD

Transparency Portal

Last Updated: Tue Mar 11 2025
The Franklin Police Department utilizes Flock Safety technology to capture objective evidence without compromising individual privacy. The Franklin Police Department employs retroactive search capabilities to investigate crimes after they have occurred. Additionally, the Franklin Police Department utilizes Flock's real-time alerting to notify officers when a vehicle associated with a missing person, kidnapping, amber alert, silver alert, wanted criminal, or criminal investigation passes a flock license plate reader. In addition to implementing a department policy which addresses proper procedure and prohibited conduct, the Franklin Police Department has made the below usage statistics available to the public.
What's Detected
License Plates, Vehicles
What's Not Detected
Facial recognition, People, Gender, Race
Acceptable Use Policy
Data is used for law enforcement purposes only. Data is owned by Franklin MA PD and is never sold to 3rd parties.
Prohibited Uses
Immigration enforcement, traffic enforcement, harrassment or intimidation, usage based solely on a protected class (i.e. race, sex, religion), Personal use.
Access Policy
All system access requires a valid reason and is stored indefinitely.
Hotlist Policy
Hotlist hits are required to be human verified prior to action.
Data retention (in days)
30 days
Number of owned cameras
Hotlists Alerted On
NCIC, NCMEC Amber Alert
Vehicles detected in the last 30 days
Searches in the last 30 days
Additional Info
Recent Success Story
Flock plate readers operated by the Franklin Police were able to identify a vehicle involved with numerous business break-ins. The vehicle was located through the use of the Flock information search network and recovered in Rhode Island. After recovery, the vehicle was determined to be a stolen vehicle from the Boston area. Through the use of the Franklin license plate reader and Flock plate reader network; valuable information was provided to the investigation that was used to subsequently identify suspects.
Additional Info - Agency LPR Policy Link